Tuesday, March 17, 2009

(b)Log #9

Read: Chapter Twelve - Pages 104 - 113

Page 110
"'Why bother? We're probably not even staying in this country.'"
Page 111
""But these last few weeks she's been acting strange. She's skipping classes. I keep asking her for the forms for financial aid. And then I got a call the other day from Barnard'" ... "'They say she never showed up for her appointment.'"

I think that Aisha has given up. She won't attend debate, she ditched her college interview, and apparently she's skipping classes, too! Even though she thought that they would get Abba out of prison and would make a big difference she doesn't seem to think that the letters that they sent will do anything, anymore. These things seemed so important to Aisha, but now she just stopped caring, it's all bull to her. If Aisha did something like this in the first few chapters of the book, it would shock everyone, but now, she's changing... And not really for the better.

I'm thinking that Aisha is starting to ruin her life. She could have accomplished some great things. Some of us thought that Nadira would be the one to ruin Aisha's chance at college, but Aisha is the one that is doing that to herself! I'm wondering if Nadira is going to try to do the job of the older sister and help Aisha through this 'rough patch', and get her back into the spot where she may become the valedictorian. I'm not really sure what to think, though. What do you guys think or hope will happen?


  1. I agree with the fact that if Aisha did something like this(falling apart) at the beginning of the book, it would shock everyone a lot more than it does now. I think Aisha is ruining her life on purpose, she doesn't have anything left that is important to her. I don't think Aisha is going to regain her former life, she is going to come close but no taco. I don't think there is much more hope left in the family.

  2. I agree with you Maya. She is giving up and I think it is really messing her up. I hope everything works out for her but i don't think she will with the way she is headed.

  3. I agree with Claire that the family's hope-o-meter is running a little low at this time in the book. To answer your question Maya, I think that Nadira will (and kind of already is) take on the role of the older sister to try to help improve the life of her sister, and the hope for her family's future as well. On the topic of family love, has anyone noticed that there hasn't been much news from Ma or Abba lately?

  4. Claire, do you actually think Aishs is trying to ruin her life on PURPOSE? I think that she's giving up and she's ruining her life, but I don't think that it's on purpose.

    I didn't notice that, Sara, but now that you mention it, I agree, there really hasn't been any news about Ma and Abba. Now I'm curious about what the dealio is up there.

  5. Maybe what started her going down hill was that outburst from Nadira to Aisha. I agree with Sara L that Nadira is kind of taking on the role of older sister and trying to help Aisha get through this. I don't think she's ruining her life on purpose either. I didn't notice that there wasn't much news from Abba and Ma either, but now that you mention it, it's very interesting, I wonder what will happen.

  6. I kinda hope that the family gets reunited and are able to go to a safe place. Although I highly doubt it.
    Interesting point about the beginning of this downward trend, Talia. I think it might be that, but I think it's mostly her uncle and father being in custody.

  7. I like how Sara said "the family's hope-o-meter is running a little low" because it is true. I don't think that Aisha should just give up and not care about school and her education because her wanted to go to college is or was a big part of her in the beginning of the book. I don't know what is going to happen next in the book but, I am hoping that they talk more about Uncle in the next chapter.

  8. I agree with Talia, this whole thing could be because of Nadira's outburst to Aishia. But then again this shouldn't stop Aisha from trying. It also could be that Aisha has all of this stress and she can't focus on her academic issues, but it's gone too far. She shouldn't be ruining her life just because of that, she should be looking to move forward and trying to fix the situation. But that's what I think. I wonder what this outcome will be. It might be Nadira taking over and helping her sister and finding a way out of this.

  9. Maya, I completely agree. It's hard to keep up a charade for so long. You get bored and lazy and think, "What's the point?" I truly think Aisha has lost her perspective on what she wants out of life, and that's due to the fact that she's trying too hard. If that doesn't make sense, come talk to me, because it makes sense to me...

    I don't really agree with Lighthall and Talia about Nadira stepping up to be the older sister. I kind of think she was forced into it. When her sister stepped down (which she certainly did) someone had to take her place, and next in line was Nadira no matter if she wants it or not. Once a royal dies, the next son takes their place. Nadira is next in line for the crown.

  10. I think the hope-o-meter is low, too. I want to hear more from Abba and Ma and Aisha is going to sink

  11. dude, Lighhall, Hope-O-Meter. Awesomtastic!
    Maya! dealio!
    Wait, Talia, so now it's her fault? I can see how that would kinda make sense... but still.
    Alissa has wishes for a happy ending.
    Denneyce thinks she is ruining her life, and that sucks.
    Rabin, that makes sense to me. Esp. about Nadria being forced.
    Robin! Awesome special effects!

    I don't feel sorry for Aisha. Still. I think it's a good thing that the charade broke, because otherwise she would be living someone else's life, with no values other than pleasing everyone else. One can only do that for so long.
    "Everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
    I don't know who said that, but I think they may have it wrong. Everything that doesn't kill you, weakens your defenses until you learn from it, and then you are stronger. I think Aisha will get through this. Maybe she's finally realized that it's actually normal to be HUMAN. and not completley perfect all the time.
    Hey Maya-You think the reason that Nadria is so silent is because it was all bull to her in the first place, and she can't say anything, because everyone else is so caught up in it? Just a thought.

  12. Great (b)log Maya! From what I've read, and what you said (no rhyme intended), I'm beggining to think that Aisha will get TOO down on herself, and become suicidal. Yes, I know thats a little bit farfetched, but my 'Nadira screwing her sister out of college' wasn't too far huh?

  13. i think that Aisha feels that since the authorited now know that they are illigal, that their life in America isn't worth anything anymore. I think that they should at least go down fighting. i think that thats what their paretns would want them to do, and that what i think is importtant to do when you are in that situation.
