Monday, March 23, 2009

(b)Log #12

Read: Chapter Sixteen - Pages 137 - 148

Page 137
"Aisha was the magic girl who lived above the dark tree branches and lit the way, leading us down the complicated bends." ... "But sometimes there's someone else, especially when the sky goes dark: the person guiding slowly from behind. That's who I've become in my family."

I thought that this quote summarized the family in the recent days really well. It always seemed like Aisha was the golden girl who got all the attention and praise. She was the one to lead the pack, but all of a sudden this disappeared. She no longer cared about anything, and she gave up. Then pulling up from the back, comes Nadira. Nadira now seems to be the one to carry more weight around the family.

This quote made me smile, because Nadira knows that she was always left behind, just following after the family. Now, though, she stepped up to Aisha's spot up front and she gets to guide from the front.

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