Wednesday, March 4, 2009

(b)Log #4

Read: Chapter 6 - Pages 42-54

Page 45:
"'I tell you what we have to do. We have to stop asking Allah for so much. Because everything we ask for on this earth, every gine we beg for, it is always taken away from us.'"

This chapter seemed to be all about Nadira and Aisha's uncle (Who we learned is named Ahmed). A lot seemed to happen at the breakfast table between Nadira and her uncle. Ahmed seems to be a very sour person, and knowing that so many people are being deported or being detained for not being legal citizens doesn't seem to be helping him become a nicer person. Ahmed seems to have very strong feelings about America and the legality of everything.

When Ahmed told Nadira that he thinks they should stop praying to Allah, I was rather shocked. Ahmed seems to have totally lost faith. Allah is the god that he has been praying to since (I assume) he was a child. If he stops believing in the god that he's worshiped for so many years, he must believe that there is very much wrong with the world.

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